Thursday, 22 September 2022

Will Boynton Beach Accident Lawyer Give Reasons For Truck Accidents?

Although truck drivers are among the most highly trained drivers on the road, they account for a disproportionate number of all vehicle accidents. While there have been significant strides towards making our roads safer, three-quarters of all heavy truck accidents involve collisions with passenger vehicles. Truck drivers have to contend with long hours, traffic congestion, weather conditions, and other factors that can make driving dangerous. It's important to speak with a Boynton Beach Accident Attorney to determine if you have a case against the trucker and his or her employer.

Driver Fatigue

Many trucking companies require their drivers to take mandatory breaks during their shifts and adhere to strict hours-of-service regulations, but this doesn't mean that a fatigued driver can't cause an accident. Sometimes fatigue can come on suddenly due to unexpected circumstances like bad weather or traffic congestion, so it's important for drivers to remain alert at all times while behind the wheel.

Poor Weather Conditions

Bad weather such as rain, snow or fog can make it difficult for drivers to see other vehicles on the road and may even cause visibility issues for other drivers. If you see bad weather approaching, slow down and leave extra space between yourself and other vehicles on the road so that if there is an accident, it will be less severe than if both vehicles were traveling at high speeds when they crashed.

Distracted Driving

Distractions can lead to driver error, which is one of the most common causes of truck accidents. Drivers may become distracted by their passengers or cell phones, or they may become fatigued from driving long distances.


When a truck driver tailgates another vehicle, they risk causing an accident when they brake suddenly or accelerate quickly in response to another vehicle's actions. They may also cause a rear-end collision if they cannot stop in time after passing another vehicle.

Poorly Maintained Trucks

If your truck has faulty brakes, tires, or other defective parts, you may not be able to stop in time if you're in an accident with another vehicle or if something unexpected occurs on the road ahead of you.

Speeding or Aggressive Driving

Speeding is another major cause of truck accidents because it reduces a driver's reaction time and increases stopping distance, which makes collisions more likely to occur when trucks are traveling at higher speeds.

Talk to a Boynton Beach Accident Lawyer as they can help you understand the laws of your state and how they apply to your case. They can also provide guidance on what type of compensation may be available to you and discuss ways to ensure that the other driver is held accountable for their actions. For more information visit here: Drucker Law Offices

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